Four criteria to successfully design and realize your strategy

Involving Strategic planning needs to continuously involve the right stakeholders. We need to consider who should be involved in the strategy process, in what way, and when. This is a critical consideration, both because mobilization requires engagement and because effective strategy requires knowledge integration, which is dependent on having the right perspectives involved. Good analysis […]

How to overcome 6 common change management obstacles

#1 The “why” is not fully internalized All meaningful change hinge upon the “why”. The answer to the “why” is the fundamental reason for the change in the first place. When the “why” is not fully understood within the organization, subsequent decisions and actions risk to become misaligned. Further, it robs the people in the […]

Strategy processes require the development of new capabilities

We need to get smarter to understand the complex and rapidly changing world we are facing. The right way forward can only arise from a dialogue between different specializations. The Strategy process – setting out a common direction to navigate in complex environments – is highly dependent on the ability to combine and integrate knowledge […]

Why your strategy should not be written in stone

Re-calibrate and re-prioritize to ensure ability to navigate in a world of rapid change Strategy looping as a process is about improving the way we constantly work with strategic planning and execution in organizations in an iterative way. Strategic planning should be conducted more than once per year. Organizations that work with continuous strategic planning […]

Design your strategy process to ensure usability

When you design your strategy process, tailored to your organization, you need to consider two dimensions. Using a framework for strategy can help us design “fit for purpose” strategy processes We lay out a generic three-step Strategy Process design and give tips, gained from working with both public and private clients, on how to reach […]

Mobilizing toward the future during industry disruption.

Background How do you create a burning platform for change when you are one of the most consistently profitable actors in your industry, over multiple decades? This was the core challenge for one of our clients in the heavy industrial sector. There was a general awareness of the need to radically change the ways of […]

Stratecution – a formula for realizing your strategy

Two worlds – Are our plans adaptable and adjustable as we learn more? In our ever-changing and increasingly complex world, Strategy and Execution cannot be divided into two separate domains. Instead, they must be linked and part of one continuous process. This way we can navigate as we test, learn, and respond to the changing […]